
Fans spot Pep and De Bruyne having furious spat while ball is IN PLAY and joke ‘he’ll be playing wing-back in the final’ (video)

KEVIN DE BRUYNE and Pep Guardiola had a furious spat during Manchester City’s Champions League semi-final win over Real Madrid.

Pep and De Bruyne having furious spat while ball is in play

City dominated the second leg from start to finish and ran out 4-0 victors, winning the tie 5-1 on aggregate.

Kevin De Bruyne began demonstrating with Pep Guardiola after losing the ball
Guardiola also gestured towards the midfielder

But despite City leading 2-0, De Bruyne lost his cool at the beginning of the second half. He picked up possession and darted forward before losing the ball to Real defender Eder Militao.

And instead of trying to win it back he turned around and shouted at his manager who stood on the touchline. The Belgian appeared to react angrily to instructions barked out by Guardiola, and he gesticulated wildly towards him.

The City boss gave as good as he got and gestured towards De Bruyne, who took one last look over his shoulder in anger at his gaffer. The Citizens later added a third which meant their place in the final was all but secured when De Bruyne was substituted.

And that meant he had calmed down enough to warmly embrace Guardiola on the touchline. But fans were taken aback by the altercation and joked there could be repercussions for De Bruyne.

One fan joked: “De Bruyne about to play wing-back in the final.”

Another added: “He’s gonna be talking from the bench.”

A third said: “Kev vs Pep UFC 356??”

And another commented: “De Bruyne on loan to Brighton next season.”

Source: thesun

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