
Rashford returns, MU dreams of tickets to C1 and prevents Man City from winning the historic “triple”

Positive signal from Marcus Rashford after he recovered from injury has brought hope to MU.

On May 17, Marcus Rashford returned to practice with his teammates at MU’s Carrington training center before the match against Bournemouth in round 37, the penultimate round of the upcoming Premier League.

The 25-year-old striker missed the “Red Devils” 2-0 win over Wolverhampton last Saturday (May 13) because of a calf injury. However, the British star was healthy enough to complete the lesson plan from the coaching staff in yesterday’s training session.

Marcus Rashford has returned to training to boost Man Utd’s top four hopes
Marcus Rashford returns to practice with his teammates to prepare with MU to be a guest of Bournemouth in the 37th round of the English Premier League

According to the Daily Mail, Rashford hopes to return to play in the last 4 matches of MU this season, including the last 3 matches in the Premier League against Bournemouth (May 20), Chelsea (May 26) and Fulham . (May 28) and Man City in the FA Cup Final (June 3).

Marcus Rashford was fit enough to return to Manchester United training on Wednesday

The Old Trafford team is fourth in the English Premier League with 66 points after 35 matches, equal to the score with the third ranked team Newcastle and only 1 point better than Liverpool. However, the right to self-determination is still in the hands of MU when they still have 1 match yet to make up for round 32 against Chelsea at home at 8:00 pm on May 25.

If the remaining 3 matches are well solved with Bournemouth, Chelsea and Fulham, coach Erik Ten Hag’s teachers and students will ensure to finish in the top 4 of the English Premier League this season to win tickets to return to the Champions League (C1 Cup) after 1 year. absent.

It will also be a “mental doping dose” for MU to try to defeat Man City in the FA Cup final at 9pm on June 3 at Wembley, in order to win the second title this season after the League Cup. They are also determined to destroy the ambition of “triple” of their great rival in the city.

For his part, Rashford has shown brilliant form after the 2022 World Cup when he scored 16 goals in 17 games playing for MU in all competitions. However, the 25-year-old striker contributed only 2 goals in the last 10 matches before suffering a recent leg injury.

However, the return of Rashford at this time is still a great motivation for the “red half of Manchester” at this time to help them determine to finish the top 4 in the English Premier League and compete fairly for the FA Cup title despite being beaten. The price is much lower than Man City.

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