Agony of the baby elephant caught in a poacher’s snare: Animal was left to die crippled and speared in its trunk (video)

An injured baby elephant has been saved by a heroic rescue team after being caught in on a poacher’s snare and attacked with a spear. The one-year-old calf,…

World’s worst car modifications reveal the bizarre ‘improvements’ drivers have splashed thousands of pounds on – including covering a Nissan with pictures of LIAM NEESON’S face

While every driver should aspire to getting the dream car, these motorists’ cringeworthy modifications would have been better off staying in their imaginations – and not on the…

Rashford returns, MU dreams of tickets to C1 and prevents Man City from winning the historic “triple”

Positive signal from Marcus Rashford after he recovered from injury has brought hope to MU. On May 17, Marcus Rashford returned to practice with his teammates at MU’s…

US Air Force MH-139A Grey Wolf’s Hoist System Completes First Live Test

The Boeing’s MH-139A Grey Wolf multi-mission helicopter successfully completed its first live hoist test lifting Special Mission Aviators via the massive forest penetrator and the rescue strop. The…

Meet the MacDonald quadruplets: the first set of quads to be born in NZ in two decades

“I was in utter shock,” says mum Kendall of the moment they found out their compact family of three would suddenly swell by an additional four children at…

Utah Mom Gives Birth to Quintuplets after Desperately Dreaming of a Baby for Years: ‘I Was in Awe’

A Utah woman adored her family of four, but she longed to have another baby. Years went by, but she struggled to conceive again. The mom of two…

X Factor star rushed to hospital after suffering a freak accident while playing football

X Factor star Josh Cuthbert has been left needing an emergency CT scan and stitches after suffering a freak accident while playing football. The Union J singer was…

Evolution Laughed at Elephants, But They Laughed Last

Baby elephant suddenly starts eating his mother’s dung One particular baby elephant grabbed attention with his odd behaviour. This particular little elephant strangely looked interested in a pile…

Snake gets its comeuppance after attacking a porcupine and getting pierced by spikes (video)

Wince-inducing footage appears to show a snake writhing in pain after being pierced with a porcupine’s spike after attempting to eat it. A video captures the boa constrictor…

Thierry Henry gives Jack Grealish a telling off after he drops F-bomb on CBS Sports coverage

THIERRY HENRY had to give Jack Grealish a quick telling off – but only after the Manchester City star dropped an accidental F-bomb. Grealish helped City into the…

Fans spot Pep and De Bruyne having furious spat while ball is IN PLAY and joke ‘he’ll be playing wing-back in the final’ (video)

KEVIN DE BRUYNE and Pep Guardiola had a furious spat during Manchester City’s Champions League semi-final win over Real Madrid. City dominated the second leg from start to…

Forget pedal power… this Cozy Coupe does 0-60mph in 17 SECONDS after mechanic created adult version of classic toy car

A mechanic has created an adult version of classic children’s car the Cozy Coupe – which cost a staggering £35,000. Petrolhead John Bitmead spent five months creating a…